Macedonian Community Newcastle

The Macedonian Community Newcastle website serves as a central hub for information about the organization’s events, programs, and initiatives, as well as a resource for anyone interested in learning more about Macedonian culture and history. The website features a variety of content, including news and updates, events, media galleries, and educational resources.

The Latest News

The news page is a go-to source for the latest news and updates and covers local, national and international news, community notices and upcoming events.

Become Part of Our Community

Become a social or financial member today and learn more about Macedonian culture and the events of the Macedonian Community Newcastle.

Our Community

The Macedonian Community Newcastle is an organisation dedicated to promoting Macedonian culture and heritage in the city of Newcastle, NSW. The organisation has been active formerly since 1960 and is made up of a number of subgroups that serves our 10,000 strong community.


Father Peco Petrovski conducts a regular Sunday service as well as many Saints days, private and community events throughout the year. Find the relevant information for your next event request.

Curtural Centre

The Cultural Centre hosts a range of events and activities, including concerts and cultural festivals. Click tofind the information you need to plan your next event.



Community Resources

We’ve compiled a resource page which provides a wealth of information on a variety of topics, including language, food, music, dance, and history.

Covid 19 Information

The community can visit this page for reliable information from reputable sources in English and Macedonian in relation to Covid-19 and the effects it may cause mentally.