
The resource page is a valuable tool for accessing information and resources related to Macedonian culture, history, and community. The resource page provides a wealth of information on a variety of topics, including language, food, music, dance, and history. It also includes links to other organizations, resources, and services that may be of interest.

If you would like to contribute a Macedonian or community resource, please email


Newcastle Macedonians

Information about Newcastle Macedonian Community people, history and events. For the Newcastle Macedonians of Newcastle, Australia.

Visit the Newcastle Macedonians on Facebook here

Macedonian Cooking and Culture

Macedonian Cooking and Culture is a place for Macedonians and everyone everywhere from all over the world to come together and celebrate what it means to be Macedonian and to learn about our culture.

Visit Macedonian Cooking and Culture on Facebook here


Newcastle Macedonian Radio

Pece Vrtkovski brings you the latest events, requests and announcements for the Newcastle Macedonian Community every Sunday night from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.

Listen to the latest recording here 

Listen to 2NUR live here


Pelister Productions

Pelister Productions presents to you a YouTube channel associated with the Newcastle Macedonian Community. 

See the earliest video from our community here

Visit the YouTube channel here